Java Reference
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You may wonder why I didn't use the more familiar equality operator (==) to
evaluate localText . This is because String s are objects and not intrinsic data types.
Therefore, the equality operation would compare the object reference variables and
not the text contained in those objects.
if (localText == "Some other text") {
This is a valid statement and looks natural, but it is really one you will hardly
ever use. It can be read the following way: “Compare the object reference variable
localText for equality to the (implicit) object reference variable that contains
'Some other text.' Return true if they are exactly equal.”
Since object reference variables contain the memory location of the object,
this statement will be true only if both variables point to exactly the same location
in memory! This will rarely be true, so the preceding statement will almost always
fail. It is clearly not the way to test String variables or any other types of objects for
equal text values.
String s have a number of special characteristics assigned to them by Java. One is the
fact that they are considered immutable , meaning that they cannot change.
“Wait a minute!” you may be saying. “We saw some examples that changed the
value of String variables.”
Actually, there were no such examples. In reality, new String s are created when
required, and the String variable was changed to point to the new object. Consider
the original String definition statement:
String localText = "Some text";
A subsequent statement can cause localText to point to another String :
localText = "Some other text";
Follow what really happens when this statement is executed:
1. A new String object containing the text “Some other text” is created when
required by the runtime.
2. The String reference variable localText is changed to point to this object
instead of the original object.
3. The original String object (“Some text”) is marked as unused and may
eventually be deleted.
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