Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's review the following statement:
String localText = "Some text";
First, a String object containing the text “Some text” was created by the com-
piler. Then, the object reference variable localText was created and adjusted to ref-
erence that object. The compiler handles all this automatically because it treats
String variables in a special way. Whenever the compiler sees a double quoted con-
stant, it will automatically make sure that a String object has been created.
The String class, part of the Java runtime, actually maintains a pool of String s
with unique values. So the first time the runtime sees a literal string or a string-val-
ued constant expression, the String class will check an internal pool of previously
created String s. If one is found, then that String will be used. Otherwise, a new
one will be created and added to the internal pool. In either case, the compiler will
make sure a String object is created for your program when you use the previously
mentioned syntax.
This runtime optimization helps conserve memory utilization and improve per-
formance for commonly used strings. However, in most cases you, as a Java devel-
oper, should not be concerned with, or code in a manner that is dependant on, these
details, since the String class encapsulates this optimization in proper OO fashion.
The base Object class contains many useful methods. Since the String class inherits
from Object , every String object you create will contain these methods as well. One
example is a method called equals() that will compare two String s for equality:
Return type
Method name
Parameter signature
A Java statement can use this method to compare the text value in a String ob-
ject (such as localText ) to some other String object:
if (localText.equals ("Some other text")) {
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