Information Technology Reference
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Chapter 2
The Effects of Similarities to Previous Buyers
on Trust and Intention to Buy from E-Commerce
Stores: An Experimental Study Based on the
SVS Model
Tetsuro Kobayashi and Hitoshi Okada
The spread of business-to-customer e-commerce in recent years has led to a
growing body of studies on the role of trust in Internet shopping (Fogg and Tseng
1999 ; Fogg et al. 2001 ; McKnight 2001 ; McKnight and Chervany 2002 ; McKnight
et al. 2002 ; Gefen et al. 2003a , b ; Salam et al. 2005 ). Trust concerns people's
perception of a website's trustworthiness in the face of social uncertainties that
remain despite institutional and technological protective structures. Although insti-
tutional and technological advancements continue to secure structural assurance
(McKnight and Chervany 2002 ; McKnight et al. 2002 ; Gefen et al. 2003b ), system
trust (Grabner-Kr¨uter and Kaluscha 2003 ), and calculative-based beliefs (Gefen
et al. 2003b ), lack of trust is still a strong inhibiting factor to the spread of
e-commerce (Wang et al. 1998 ; Hoffman et al. 1999 ; Jarvenpaa et al. 1999 ;
Gefen and Straub 2004 ). Therefore, along with the sophistication of the definition
of trust in e-commerce (McKnight and Chervany 2002 ; Mayer et al. 1995 ;
McKnight et al. 1998 ), many studies have investigated the question of how to
build customer trust under the uncertain conditions of online financial transactions
(Grabner-Kr¨uter and Kaluscha 2003 ; Corbitt et al. 2003 ; Koufaris and Hampton-
Sosa 2004 ; Lim et al. 2006 ).
There are several research approaches to investigating the trust-building
methodologies in an e-commerce environment. First, several studies have focused
on the sophistication of contents and interfaces of e-commerce websites. For
example, Fogg and colleagues have examined the effectiveness of information in
aiding judgments of a website's trustworthiness when potential customers browse
websites (Fogg and Tseng 1999 ; Fogg et al. 2001 , 2003 ; Fogg 2002 ). Similarly,
other studies have applied the technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis 1986 ,
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