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Many SNS users may not consider such kinds of issues seriously and instead,
actively incorporate information sharing on SNS websites that may be considered
critical for advancing democratic principles. On the other hand, it is doubtful that
the situation discussed here can really make us more autonomous entities on the
SNS websites, because the construction of our digital identify cannot be controlled
by ourselves completely. Individual autonomy is one of the most important values
with respect to the protection of information privacy. The use of SNS may obscure
this value.
At first it would appear that the spread of the value that “information sharing is a
virtue” promotes the diffusion of hoarded information. However, nobody
understands whether the mirror world on the SNS website really is leading its
users to the utopian world it seems to be promoting, and that there is also a
difference in perception caused by socio-cultural background. For example, it
seems Japanese people have tended to favor the use of SNS which adopt anony-
mous or pseudonym naming systems compared to those in Europe or the U.S.A.
Further research on SNS issues from these perspectives is necessary.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by the Strategic research foundation at private
universities and Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 24730320, from MEXT
(the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), Japan.
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Yuhikaku, Tokyo [in Japanese]
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