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Table 11.9 Differences among experiences of online shops
Unattractiveness and anxieties of the online shops Experienced Inexperienced
We cannot confirm the goods' quality or details
before purchasing
210 (72 %)
168 (79 %)
3.04 0.081
Risk of difference between goods' online
appearance and that of actual goods
136 (46 %)
123 (57 %)
6.05 0.014
Risk of receiving inferior goods
129 (44 %)
130 (61 %)
13.84 0.000
Annoying advertisements after purchasing
83 (28 %)
49 (23 %)
1.89 0.169
Risk of personal information theft
70 (24 %)
82 (38 %)
12.26 0.000
Risk of nondelivery of purchased goods
46 (16 %)
79 (37 %)
29.97 0.000
Difficulty in canceling purchase orders
53 (18 %)
32 (15 %)
0.87 0.351
Too long from purchase to delivery
58 (20 %)
28 (13 %)
3.95 0.047
Complex purchasing procedure
25 (9 %)
54 (25 %)
26.22 0.000
No supply of goods in stock at many online shops 73 (25 %)
19 (9 %)
21.41 0.000
Too many items to recognize what I want
17 (6 %)
20 (9 %)
11 (4 %)
7 (3 %)
0.08 0.772
actual goods,” “Risk of receiving inferior goods,” “Risk of nondelivery of purchased
goods,” and “Complex purchasing procedure,” students who have never used online
shops rank these disadvantages more highly than those who have used them, and these
differences are statistically significant at 5 % level. In contrast, students who have used
online shops rank the disadvantages of “Too long from purchase to delivery” and “No
supply of goods in stock at many online shops” more highly than those who have never
used them, and these differences are statistically significant.
These results indicate that students who have never used online shops will often
overestimate risks of online shopping. These students are aware of such technical
risks, but they may not understand them sufficiently; hence, they may avoid using
online shops because of their incorrect risk estimation. Other generations may
overestimate the risks more because they are less familiar with ICT than such
students. To expand the online shop market, we should inform users of their actual
risks and show them simple methods of avoiding these risks.
Students who have used online shops indicate that the inconveniences of online
shops include extremely complex user interfaces or poor distribution systems. To
stimulate the use of online shops, we should develop more convenient systems in
these two areas.
11.5 Conjoint Analysis
11.5.1 Model
In this study, conjoint analysis was conducted via an experiment that presented
respondents with choices from which they must had to select the most desirable one
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