Information Technology Reference
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Design Aesthetic
Ease of use
Intention to use
Fig. 10.6 The results for the internet banking website showing the beta coefficients for each
significant factor (accepted hypothesis) that influences the intention to use the application
10.3.2 Mobile Payment
The experimental results for the mobile payment applications are considered
separately as the results from (1) the regression analysis and (2) from the compared
means analysis. Result from Regression Analysis
Regression analysis was used to measure which of the three evaluated factors (user
interface, service quality and security) had an effect on the feeling of trust in the
application, and was also then used to measure which of the five evaluated factors
(usefulness, ease of use, user interface, trust and security) had an effect on the
intention to use the application. In this experiment, the collected data of the two
tested systems, that of the K-Mobile Banking PLUS and the mPay applications,
were analyzed separately. The two factors were paired and performed with multiple
regression analysis, the results being shown in Figs. 10.7 and 10.8 .
Figure 10.7 summarizes the results of the multiple regression analyses, showing
the beta-coefficients and significance, for the intention to use the K-Mobile Banking
PLUS application, including the R 2 and standardized path loadings for all
hypothesized relationships. The feeling of trust in the application was significant,
whilst the security, service quality and design aesthetics were all significant factors
influencing the level of trust, supporting hypotheses H1, H2 and H3. Trust also
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