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In June 1966 Bebbington summarized how work had been narrowed
down: “The fields chosen were those drugs affecting cholinergic systems,
including the psychotomimetic catecholinergics; those affecting adrener-
gic systems; those, mainly morphine-like, causing depression of the cen-
tral nervous system; and those, other than anticholinergics, having psy-
chotomimetic properties.” 65 There was again considerable emphasis on
studies of the effects of LSD. 66
A report presented to the 53rd meeting of the Chemistry Committee in
June 1966 noted that “the current approach to the research on biologi-
cally active compounds is based as far as possible on studies of the mode
of action of drugs at the molecular level.” 67 Two reports in the open litera-
ture covered the work on (oxo)tremorine and the investigation of the
structure of its receptor. 68 What is of most interest is the appearance of
glycollates (that is, agents related to BZ) under the category of cholinergic
and anticholinergic compounds, on which work was being carried out.
The drive toward molecular studies was emphasized in comments
made on the CDEE annual report by Professor R. B. Fisher, the chair of
the CDAB. It seemed to him that with some regularity the first lead in a
new class of compound was found to be the most effective even when
many modifications were synthesized. 69 Moves toward a more systematic
approach can be seen in the 1966 Porton Technical Papers. 70
1967 Studies were not done in isolation from the armed services. 71 At
the 66th meeting of the CDAB, Colonel W. Nicholson noted the offensive
requirement that the Combat Development Directorate had advised for
“a range of incapacitating agents giving a variety of onset times and dura-
tions of effect.” 72 The meaning can be gathered from a presentation on
anticholinergics, which stated that “effects referred to as long duration
would persist for 3 to 5 days, those of intermediate duration about one
day, and short acting effects for 2 to 5 hours.” 73 The ongoing review of
defense expenditure was expected to result in only a small cut for the
CDEE. 74
Papers given at a meeting of the Applied Biology Committee show the
changing nature of the program in 1967. 75 These consisted of a progress
report on work with T3456 (LSD), a report of US experience with BZ and
other benzilates and glycollates, a report on early exploratory work with
BZ in the UK, and a report on future plans for UK work on glycollates. In
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