Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Midspectrum Incapacitant
The spectrum of biochemical threats ranges from classical
lethal chemical weapons (CW) agents to genetically modified biologi-
cal agents. 1 Bioregulators such as neurotransmitters fall midway within
this spectrum and are termed midspectrum agents. 2 These are covered
by Article I of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) by the term
“toxins.” 3
A number of states have attempted to develop agents with specific in-
capacitating effects on the nervous system. 4 This chapter covers in de-
tail the British attempt to produce an incapacitating agent during the
Cold War; reviews the aspect of the much larger US program related to
the agent 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (BZ), which was actually weaponized
during the Cold War; and surveys current concerns about military inter-
est in new nonlethal chemical agents, and the impact of the genomics
revolution in enabling the discovery of such agents.
The UK Program
During the middle of the Cold War the UK unquestionably had an inca-
pacitating agents program. 5 At a meeting in May 1963 the Cabinet De-
fence Committee agreed to a proposal that included “an increase in re-
search and development on lethal and incapacitating chemical agents and
the means of their dissemination.” 6 From the official documentation it
appears that the program came to a halt within about a decade.
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