Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 8.1 Biological agents declared by Iraq
Agent A
Clostridium botulinum toxin
19,000 liters concentrated toxin
(10,000 liters into munitions)
Agent B
Bacillus anthracis spores
8,500 liters
(5,000 liters into munitions)
Agent C
2,200 liters concentrated
(1,120 liters into munitions)
Agent D
Wheat cover smut
Considerable quantities
Agent G
Clostridium perfringens toxin
340 liters concentrated
10 liters
Trials failed
Trichothecene mycotoxins
Camel pox virus
The biological agents declared by Iraq are summarized in table 8.1, al-
though the quantities cannot be verified. Facilities declared by Iraq as be-
ing engaged in its BW program are summarized in table 8.2, although the
stated capabilities are also unconfirmed. BW delivery means declared by
Iraq, though unverified, are summarized in table 8.3.
The Program after 1991
UN Security Council Resolution 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991 established
UNSCOM and required Iraq to “unconditionally accept the destruction,
removal, or rendering harmless, under international supervision,” of its
WMD, ballistic missiles exceeding a range of 150 kilometers, and all asso-
ciated facilities, equipment, and materials. The same resolution required
that Iraq ratify the Biological Weapons Convention, and the instrument
of ratification was deposited in June 1991. It is now well known that Iraq
did not cooperate with UNSCOM or later with UNMOVIC, taking steps to
conceal information and capabilities relating to its WMD programs.
Indeed, Iraq has acknowledged in statements to UNSCOM that, in the
biological field, its approach to ending the program was different from
that in the chemical, missiles, and nuclear fields. It has been stated by Iraq
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