Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
1 acre = 43 560 ft 2
To convert lbs/acre to lbs/1000 ft 2 , divide by 43.56 or 44
1 acre = 0,405 hectare
1 hectare = 2.47 acres
1 hectare = 10 000 meters 2
100 meters 2 = 1Are (air) = 1076 ft 2
The top 6 to 7 inches of 1 acre of average soil is assumed to weigh 2 000 000 lbs
The top 15 to 17 cm of 1 hectare of average soil is assumed to weigh 2 000 000 kg
1 part per million (ppm) = 2 lbs/acre or 2 kg/hectare
1 ppm = 2 grams per 100 ft 2 or 2 grams per 10 m 2
1 ppm = 20 grams per 1000 ft 2 or 20 grams per 100 m 2
1 lb/acre = 1 gram per 100 ft 2
1 kg/ha = 1 gram per 10 m 2
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