Environmental Engineering Reference
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sets across the water, energy and food sectors are essential for building syner-
gies, avoiding tensions, and to monitor and inform policies and regulations
across the nexus.
4.2 Key Questions Posed by the International Kick-off
Workshop, November 11
12, Dresden
1. What are the advantages of a centralized versus a decentralized approach to
implementation of integrated management approaches?
2. Which institutional structures and mechanisms have proven helpful for imple-
menting integrated and cross-sectoral management strategies?
3. How effective are inter-institutional/ministerial/organizational mechanisms in
implementing integrative approaches?
4. Are these structures and mechanisms similar or what are the differences at
various scales (from local to global) and in various regions?
5. Which type of economic incentives will be required/helpful to foster nexus
6. Is there/what is a common approach to institutional capacity development?
5 Key Research Questions of Relevance to Capacity
5.1 Why Does Good Science not Always Equate with Good
ciency metrics can rely on quantitative analysis of large data sets while equity
metrics demand greater engagement with qualitative perspectives to support and
validate arguments. An important point that needs to be made here is that envi-
ronmental decision-making involves trade - offs at multiple scales (across space,
vertically and horizontally, and over time). Some of the most important trade-offs
are not guided by the supremacy of quantitative data sets alone. Where the stakes
are not as high, rigorous data analysis may help clinch the argument. However,
in situations where the stakes are extremely high the trade-offs made can be
influenced by political rather than statistical signi
cance. One opportunity is to
focus on identifying data gaps and devising methodologies for data collection that
combine quantitative and qualitative perspectives with the potential to influence
decision-making at strategic nodes of the governance framework.
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