Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 11 Regional infrastructure cost calculation. Source Schiller ( 2007 ), amended
c personnel costs. Third, life-cycle cost accounting
is applied providing average annual costs of alternative scenarios, full costs of
political economy, and costs of speci
c running costs and speci
c sectors and stakeholders.
By applying this approach, it is possible to calculate the costs that may appear in
pursuit of conceivable paths of settlement and infrastructure development. Future
development paths can be depicted by means of scenarios. This approach is
designed as a tool to talk and serves to foster discussions in the framework of
planning processes. For that purpose, local decision makers are actively involved in
this participatory scenario process.
The according costs derived by means of LCC analyses are fed into the dis-
cussion process as well, and are reflected on in these strategic discussions. Such
scenario discussions allow for comprehensive considerations of all available
options ranging from green
ll development as
well as alternative infrastructure solutions. Especially in Germany, there are many
examples of best practice where adaptation is discussed against the background of
demographic changes (Siedentop et al. 2006 ).
field development to brown
4.4 Adaptation of Infrastructure
Currently, there is a huge and comprehensive change in the demands on water and
wastewater systems. Main reasons for this development are related to:
Increasing prices for energy in Europe, in Germany additionally reinforced due
to the nuclear power phase-out.
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