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Scheme 27 Synthesis of benzo[ g ]acecorannulene (91)[ 122 ]
Dibenzo[ a , g ]corannulene (88) was prepared from fluoranthene 9 under FVP
conditions at 1,000 C (Scheme 25 )[ 117 ]. Compound 88 was also accessed from
the same material by Pd-catalyzed intramolecular arylations [ 16 ]. In that report,
Scott and coworkers tested various palladium catalysts, bases, and reaction condi-
tions, and the best result (57% yield) was obtained under conditions employing the
combination of palladacycle/DBU/DMF at 150 C. A synthetic method has been
reported to prepare 7,10-disubstituted fluoranthenes, including 9, in good to excel-
lent yields by Rh-catalyzed [(2+2)+2]
cycloadditions of 1,8-di(ethynyl)
naphthalenes 87 with NBD [ 118 ].
Similar to dibenzo[ a , g ]corannulene (88), 1,2-dihydrocyclopenta[ b,c ]dibenzo-
[ g,m ]corannulene (90)[ 119 ] and N -octyldibenzo[ d , m ]-1,2-corannulimide (91)
[ 120 ] were synthesized by Pd-catalyzed cyclization (Scheme 26 ). The OFET
devices of 91 show interesting electron and hole motilities, and may have potential
applications in organic electronic devices. Dibenz[ f,l ]acecorannulene (93)[ 121 ]
can be directly prepared from 92 under FVP conditions.
Benzo[ g ]acecorannulene (96) is an unexpected product generated from 95.
According to the successful synthesis of dibenzo[ a,g ]corannulene (88) from 7,10-
bis(2-bromophenyl)fluoranthene (9), an attempt was made to prepare aza -bowl 94
from 95. However,
this protocol gave 96 as the only identifiable product
(Scheme 27 )[ 122 ].
2.4.2 Structures and Properties
On the basis of crystallographic analysis, the corannulene cores in dibenzo[ a , g ]-
corannulene (88) and N -octyldibenzo[ d , m ]-1,2-corannulimide (91) are shallow
with a bowl depth of 0.83 and 0.65
, respectively [ 120 , 123 ]. The cyclopenta-
annulated buckybowl 90 is much deeper, and its bowl depth was determined as
. The maximum POAV pyramidalization angle of 90 was found to be 10.7 ,
which is very close to that of acecorannulene (69)[ 119 ]. However, the bowl
inversion barrier for 90 was experimentally estimated as 23.5-23.6 kcal/mol,
which is much smaller than that of acecorannulene (69, 27.6 kcal/mol).
Dibenzo[ a , g ]corannulene (88) and fullerenes C 60 and C 70 form cocrystals
[88·C 60 ] and [(88) 2 ·C 70 ], respectively [ 123 ]. The bowl depth of the corannulene
moiety in dibenzocorannulene are slightly deceased upon co-crystallization, and the
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