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Fig. 31 Top : observed oxidation potential of [ n ]CPP. Bottom : calculated HOMO-LUMO gaps for
[ n ]CPP ( gray ) and [ n ]OPP ( black )[ 38 ]
terphenyl in the resulting macrocycle explains the relatively low macrocyclization
yield. Even so, this molecule was easily aromatized using sodium naphthalenide at
78 C, yielding 1.0 mg of [7]CPP. The final step of any CPP synthesis must
necessarily introduce a large amount of strain. These results highlight the reductive
aromatization methodology as quite capable of generating large amounts of strain
energy at low temperatures. Interestingly, [7]CPP displays an orange fluorescence,
further red-shifted than [8]CPP and with a very low quantum yield, following the
trends observed in larger carbon nanohoops [ 43 ].
A revision of the [7]CPP synthesis to incorporate more curvature in the precursors
would allow for the construction of even smaller CPPs, approaching the theoretical
limit of the benzenoid structure [ 64 ]. With this in mind, Jasti developed a sequential
lithium addition/oxidative dearomatization strategy by which tightly-curved
dibromide 70 can be obtained on a multigram scale (Fig. 33 )[ 49 ].
The addition of lithiated 4-bromo, 4 0 - tert -butyldimethylsilyl biphenyl to 63
followed by methylation and deprotection offered 68 which could be subjected to
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