Chemistry Reference
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1. Br 2 , CHCl 3
2. t -BuOK, Et 2 O
12 : m = 1 (85%)
13 : m = 3 (85%)
9 : n = 1 (30-40%)
10 : n = 3 (15%)
11 : n = 5 (5%)
Fig. 7 Kawase's synthesis of [6]CPPA and [8]CPPA [ 16 ]
t- BuO
Br 2
t- BuOK
CHCl 3
Et 2 O
O t- Bu
30-40% overall
Fig. 8 Failed conversion of 9 to [4]CPPA [ 14 ]
3.2 CPPAs as Novel Host Molecules
Having overcome the challenge of [6]CPPA and [8]CPPA with his landmark synthe-
sis, Kawase improved upon these methods to prepare large quantities of [6]-[9]
CPPA. With ample material in hand, the Kawase lab sought to exploit the unique,
electron-rich cavity present in these rigid molecular belts [ 16 ]. Kawase showed for the
first time that CPPAs can form all-hydrocarbon inclusion complexes with appropriate
guests [ 17 ]. By co-crystallizing [6]CPPA and [8]CPPA with hexamethylbenzene and
toluene respectively, crystal structures of a 1:1 12 ·HMBand1:413 · tol complexes
were obtained (Fig. 9 ).
Though the host-guest interaction in both of these complexes was quite weak,
with the toluene complex efflorescing at room temperature, the improved air-
stability of the complexes as compared to the CPPAs indicated a favorable electronic
interaction within the CPPA cavities [ 17 ]. The authors attribute this affinity to the
electron-rich nature of the molecules' interior. Furthermore, important crystallo-
graphic information about the diameters of these molecular belts was available for
the rational design of stronger host-guest complexes. With preliminary proof of the
CPPAs' host activity, and in light of the then recent discovery of carbon nanotube
fullerene peapod complexes, Kawase correctly ascertained that [6]CPPA was
approximately the right size to host fullerene C 60 . Indeed, mixtures of 12 and C 60
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