Chemistry Reference
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Fig. 30 HBC derivatives used in organic electronics [ 113 - 116 ]
material by creating an insulating domain around the
stacked columnar core.
Compounds 156 and 157 exhibited pronounced self-assembly properties and good
device results. For instance, a field-effect mobility of 2.8
10 3 cm 2 V 1 s 1 and
a power conversion efficiency of 1.5% were achieved for 157, which are fairly
impressive for HBC-based materials [ 114 , 115 ]. In subsequent studies, a series of
thiophene dendrons were introduced to extend the effective conjugation to produce
a thiophene-fluorene co-oligomer substituted HBC 158, which showed a broader
absorption between 250 and 550 nm. The corresponding BHJ devices showed good
performance with power conversion efficiency of 2.5%. This is attributed to the
enhanced light harvesting property as well as the formation of ordered morphology
in solid state induced by the self-assembly of the HBC molecules [ 116 ] (Fig. 30 ).
4.2 All-Benzenoid PAHs Larger than HBC
Taking advantage of FeCl 3 or Cu(OTf) 2 -AlCl 3 mediated oxidative cyclodehydro-
genation reactions, larger all-benzenoid PAHs with variable shapes and sizes are
accessible. Increasing the size of the highly planar HBC core is predicted to
improve the
intermolecular interaction due to the large overlap of the
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