Chemistry Reference
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Scheme 43 Alternate synthesis to 149 [ 92 ]
Scheme 44 Preparation of fused [2,1- c ]IF diones 159-161 [ 93 ]
Scheme 45 Preparation of 6,7,-di- n -propyl [2,1- c ]IF dione 165 [ 94 ]
A combination of bromination and elimination reactions on 159 resulted in an
unsaturation to ethene- and ethyne-bridged IFs 160 and 161, respectively.
Wang's group achieved substitution at the 6- and 7-positions of the [2,1- c ] core
by reacting cyclopentadienone 162 with 4-octyne (163) in a Diels-Alder reaction to
form terphenyl diester 164 (Scheme 45 )[ 94 ]. Cyclization with concentrated sulfu-
ric acid gave 6,7-di- n -propyl [2,1- c ]IF dione 165 in 79% yield. These results stand
in contrast to the observations in Scheme 11 where use of either phenylacetylene or
diphenylacetylene gave the corresponding [1,2- b ] isomer in high yield.
In addition, the same group found that reaction of [2,1- c ]IFs 165 and 166 with an
acetylide nucleophile gave diols 167a,b; subsequent treatment with SOCl 2 induced
a cascade cyclization forming [1,2- a ]IF dimers 168a,b in low yield (Scheme 46 )
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