Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
For this type of question:
Do this:
Similar to a Matching question, this type of question asks the viewer
to put the possible answers in order or sequence This can be done
by typing the letters of each answer (like a matching question) or by
dragging the answers around on the slide to put them in the order
you've specified as correct.
Rating Scale (Likert)
Give a list of statements that the viewer must rate on a scale that you
define. This type of question is not graded—there is no “right” or
Defining Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
Multiple choice question slides allow the viewer to choose from a list
of answers that you provide. You can specify one correct answer, or
several. If there are several correct answers in your list, the viewer
would have to select all of them in order for the answer to be consid-
ered correct (no partial scores here!).
To add a multiple choice question slide, follow these steps:
In either Storyboard or Edit view, choose where you want the slide
to be placed by selecting the slide just before the question. Capti-
vate will insert the new slide immediately after the selected slide.
From the Insert menu, choose Slide and then Question Slide to
display the list of question types.
Figure 10-1. Select from the list of question types.
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