Travel Reference
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portandZona 13museums at the open-air Mercado de Artesanías (Boulevard JuanPablo
II, 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Mon.-Sat., 8 A.M.-1 P.M. Sun.), with a fairly wide assortment of handi-
crafts and tourist souvenirs.
Recommended retailers include Lin Canola (5a Calle 9-60 Zona 1, tel. 2232-0858, , 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Mon.-Fri.), where the assortment varies from home
decorative items to jewelry and everything between. This store is especially recommended
if you want to buy Guatemalan fabrics by the yard. Its Zona 10 location, In Nola (18 Calle
21-31 Zona 10 Boulevard Los Próceres, tel. 2367-2424, 8:30 A.M.-6:30 P.M. Mon.-Fri.
of town.
Selling fashionable adaptations on traditional designs for the home, Textura (Diagonal
its beautiful and colorful hammocks.
If you want to take in the work of local artists, head to Guatemala's oldest art gallery,
Galería El Túnel (Boulevard Los Próceres 15-60 Zona 10, 2nd Floor, tel. 2363-4744,
galeriaeltunel@, featuring the work of more than 100 artists. Another good
art gallery worth checking out is el attico (4a Avenida 15-45 Zona 14, tel. 2368-0853,
elatticogal@msn. com). Next door to one of the finest restaurants in the city, Carlos
Woods Arte Antiguo y Contemporáneo (10a Avenida 5-49 Zona 14, tel. 2366-6883/84, , 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Mon.-Fri. and 10 A.M.-2 P.M. Sat.) features a
variety of exhibitions from local artists in a well-lit minimalist setting. Check the website
for current exhibitions.
For a great atmosphere for unwinding with a cup of coffee or tea and a large selection of
topics (though mostly in Spanish), try Sophos (4a Ave. 12-59 Zona 10, tel. 2419-7070, 9
A.M.-8 P.M. Mon.-Sat. and 10 A.M.-6 P.M. Sun.). Also with plenty of topics in Spanish is
Artemis Edinter ( )withseverallocationsincludingGaleríasMir-
aflores, La Pradera, Pradera Concepción, and the 4 Grados Norte pedestrian thoroughfare.
A number of bookstores cater to the expat community, stocking a variety of English-
language topics on their shelves. Vista Hermosa Book Shop (2a Calle 18-50, Vista Her-
mosaII, Zona 15, tel. 2369-1003, vhbookshop@intel-net., 9 A.M.-1 P.M. and 2-6
P.M. Mon.- Sat.) has topics in English and Spanish and is in a quiet residential sector east
of Zona 10. Another good option for topics in English is Géminis Bookstore (3a Aven-
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