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tune-up afinación or tune-up
Verbs are the key to getting along in Spanish. They employ mostly predictable forms and
come in three classes, which end in ar, er, and ir, respectively:
to buy comprar
I buy, you (he, she, it) buys compro, compra
we buy, you (they) buy compramos, compran
to eat comer
I eat, you (he, she, it) eats como, come
we eat, you (they) eat comemos, comen
to climb subir
I climb, you (he, she, it) climbs subo, sube
we climb, you (they) climb subimos, suben
Here are more (with irregularities indicated).
to do or make hacer (regular except for hago , I do or make)
to go ir (very irregular: voy, va, vamos, van )
to go (walk) andar
to love amar
to work trabajar
to want desear, querer
to need necesitar
to read leer
to write escribir
to repair reparar
to stop parar
to get off (the bus) bajar
to arrive llegar
to stay (remain) quedar
to stay (lodge) hospedar
to leave salir (regular except for salgo , I leave)
to look at mirar
to look for buscar
to give dar (regular except for doy , I give)
to carry llevar
to have tener (irregular but important: tengo, tiene, tenemos, tienen )
to come venir (similarly irregular: vengo, viene, venimos, vienen )
Spanish has two forms of “to be:”
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