Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
when people have given you assurances that the wheels are set in motion, when often they
haven't even started what you asked them to do in the first place.
Guatemalans tend to use the vos form of tu (you), a derivative of the archaic vosotros now
used only in Spain. This is particularly the case with two men of the same age or similar
social standing. It shouldn't be used to address a person of perceived lesser social stature,
as it's somewhat demeaning when used in this way, though upper-class Guatemalans tend
to do it anyway. Stick to the formal usted unless the person switches to the informal tu or
vos .
Related to the above concept of pena , keep in mind what people are saying in between
the lines. Guatemalans tend to beat around the bush, so to speak, and you must use a keen
sensitivity to the subject at hand (and the speaker) to decipher what is being implied.
Personal Space and Privacy
Guatemalans might be a bit “touchy feely” by North American standards. It's not uncom-
mon to see two heterosexual male friends walking with their arms around each other. This
er with hugs and kisses (or air kisses if it's a stranger of the opposite gender). They may
also grab your arm when trying to emphasize a point (I have a beloved uncle who does this
quite frequently).
North Americans' love of privacy might at times seem strange to Guatemalans. This is
something to keep in mind if you are staying with a host family. What might seem like a
normal degree of privacy to you may seem like seclusion and isolation, on your part, to
them. Most host families who have had a number of North American visitors have grown
accustomed to this.
Tips for Travelers
Language Study
Guatemala isapopularplaceforSpanish-languagestudy,particularlyAntiguaandQuetza-
in Guatemala. First of all, you'll want to decide what sort of environment you're looking
for to choose a location. Antigua and Quetzaltenango offer some fine institutions in addi-
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