Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
drive vehicle can cost as much as $400-600 a week. You might find better deals online.
It sometimes pays to reserve something through an online booking service and then call
around locally to get the best rates and comparison shop. Most cars in Guatemala are stick
shift, with automatic transmission often costing a bit more.
The chicken bus can get you almost anywhere you may want to go.
If your credit card company doesn't offer adequate insurance coverage, make sure to
purchase additional insurance. Coverage provided by credit cards such as Visa and Amer-
ican Express usually doesn't apply if you go “off-road,” which you likely will. Coverage
varies from one company to the next, but usually excludes personal liability (damage to
property or other vehicles) and theft. If you stick to the basic coverage offered by the car
rental agency, your credit card will have to cover outrageous deductibles, often in the vi-
cinity of $750-1,500. Purchasing full coverage from the rental agency can run $25 a day
and really adds to the final bill, but some find it a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Before leaving the car rental lot, make sure to check the car over, paying attention
to every minute detail. Rental agents will go over the car with you and document any
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