Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Numerous species of parrots dwell in Guatemala's forests.
Land Mammals
Guatemala's list of native land mammals is impressive, with a large variety of exotic cats,
primates, and other furry creatures. The largest of Guatemala's cats is the jaguar (Felis
onca), found in lowland parts of Petén, Izabal, and the Verapaces. Referred to as tigre by
locals, it is known to sometimes wander into chiclero camps as well as kill livestock in
remote cattle ranches that have encroached on remote areas. Sightings of this beautiful
spotted cat are rare, so consider yourself lucky if you are able to spot one in the wild. Its
tracks are more likely to be seen on travels to the remote forests of the Maya Biosphere
Reserve, which can be exciting enough. Other cats include the jaguarundi (Herpailurus
yaguarondi), puma (Puma concolor), and their smaller relatives the margay (Leopardus
wiedii) and ocelot (Leopardus pardalis).
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