Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Flores's post office is about a block south of the plaza on Avenida Barrios. Calle Cen-
troamerica has several places for access to the Internet. Among the options are Tikal Net
and Petén Net, next door to each other and open 8 A.M.- 10 P.M. daily. Another option is
Flores Net, just up the way on Avenida Barrios across from the post office. On the north
end of town, try Tayazal Net (Calle Unión next to Doña Goya the 2nd, tel. 7926-2052, 8
A.M.-10 P.M. daily). Internet access costs about $1.40 per hour in most places.
The only bank in Flores is Banrural, about a block east of the plaza. There's an ATM next
crossing the causeway into Santa Elena to get cash at one of the ATMs there.
The Mayan Princess Travel Agency on Calle 30 de Junio does laundry for about $4 a load
ía Amelia, behind CINCAP.
Emergency and Medical Services
For the police, dial 7926-1365. The closest hospital is Hospital San Benito (tel.
Volunteer Work
Volunteer opportunities are available with several of the NGOs working in town. Among
tion (tel. 7926-1370, ) in Laguna del Tigre National Park. Another op-
tion is working with the local Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Association, or ARCAS
( ) , at its site on the other end of the lake opposite Flores's north
shore. San Andrés-based Nueva Juventud Language School has set up a website for volun-
teerslookingtoworkwithitonvariousprojectsbenefitingthelocalcommunity.Checkout or send email at
Santa Elena has several pleasant accommodations along the lakeshore with wonderful
views of Flores as well as a variety of less expensive options in the town center. Among
the budget accommodations is Hotel San Juan (2a Calle between 6a and 7a Avenida, tel.
7924-8358), where you'll find rather plain rooms with saggy mattresses in a large con-
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