Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Lovely Arco de Santa Catalina is one of Antigua's most easily recognizable landmarks.
Iglesia de San Francisco
Southwest on 1a Avenida Sur, the church of San Francisco (8 A.M.-6 P.M. daily) is one
of Antigua's oldest, dating to 1579. It once harbored a hospital, school, printing press, and
monastery, among other things. Its main claim to fame nowadays is the tomb of Central
America's first saint, Hermano Pedro de San José de Betancourt, a Franciscan monk
who came to Antigua from the Canary Islands and founded the Hospital de Belén. He is
creditedwithmiraculoushealings.The Museo del Hermano Pedro (8A.M.-5P.M.,$0.50)
is found on the south side of the church along with the ruins of the adjacent monastery. It
houses church relics and some of Hermano Pedro's well-preserved personal belongings.
Iglesia y Convento de Nuestra Señora de la Merced
Known more commonly as La Merced, this is one of Antigua's most beautiful churches,
painted in a bright yellow and adorned with white lily motifs on its columns. Inside are
the ruins of its old monastery (5a Avenida Norte and 1a Calle Poniente, 9 A.M.-6:30 P.M.,
$0.50 admission) with the Fuente de Peces, said to be the largest in Latin America and in-
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