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6.2 Application of the Proposed Design Approach
for Quark Benchmark
6.2.1 Effect of MicroBlaze Soft-Core Con
on Embedded Systems Performance
For embedded application, different MicroBlaze con
gurations can be provided. In
real-time complex applications, both execution time and area consumption deter-
mine the ef
ciency and the high performance of the con
gured embedded soft-core
The evaluation of hardware area presents one of the metric to select embedded
gurations, which requires an optimal area. In a software design methodology,
area consumption is independent from the implemented application. We can
evaluate the performance of the soft-core processor for each con
guration directly
after the hardware speci
cation step. Results prove that the average number of
slices (a group of logic cell resources in FPGA) without using optimization option
is very important. Table 6 depicts the area consumption recorded for some possible
MicroBlaze con
To evaluate the performance of the MicroBlaze soft-core processor, we have
estimated the execution time in order to choose the most ef
which takes the minimum execution time onto the smaller hardware area. In our
work, we compute the execution time of the con
cient con
guration described in the table for
three Quark hash functions (u-Quark function, d-Quark function and s-Quark
function). Figure 7 illustrates the Quark hash functions execution time measurement
for the 17 con
gurations of Xilinx MicroBlaze.
6.2.2 Automation of Partitioning Process
Designers have to specify the target architecture early in the design by de
ning the
guration of the software nodes to synthesize hardware nodes. Moreover,
designers have, also, to determine the design constraints, performance constraints
(timing) and resource constraints (area, memory). In this study, we choose to
evaluate the proposed approach for a lightweight cryptographic s-Quark bench-
mark. We divide the C-high-level speci
cation into four functional units (C func-
tions) presented as nodes. We compute than nodes costs for all hardware and
software possible architecture. For Software nodes, cost computation will be
assured by pro
ling. For Hardware nodes, C functions will be transformed into
Hardware speci
cation using HLS approach, synthesized and analysed using
Logical synthesis to get its costs. We propose MicroBlaze soft-core as software
architecture with its different con
gurations (presented above). With our approach;
we have to specify the costs (execution time and resources utilization) for each
s-Quark node which can be implemented using soft-core (within all con
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