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To evaluate our approach, software nodes are executed on the MicroBlaze soft-
core processor with its different con
gurations. However, the implementation of
hardware tasks is carried out, using HLS approaches. This tool allows fast proto-
typing of Intellectual Proprieties (IPs) that will be added to the MicroBlaze by the
Fast Simplex Link (FSL) interface using Xilinx EDK tool.
5 Performance Evaluation Process
The performance evaluation of embedded systems has multiple aspects depending
on the application that the system is made off. Hence, performance measurement is
involved in several stages of the design process. In this chapter, we propose to
evaluate the performance of the MicroBlaze FPGA soft-core processor features, in a
first time, then that of our proposed design methodology, in a second time, using a
lightweight cryptographic application.
5.1 Performance Evaluation Technique
Performance evaluation is the process of predicting whether the designed system
ned by the user such as area consumption and
execution time (Mysore et al. 2005 ; Monmasson and Cristea 2007 ; Li and Malik
1995 ). Performance evaluation can be classi
es the performance goal de
ed into two categories: Performance
modeling and performance measurements as mentioned on Table 4 .
5.1.1 Performance Modeling
Performance modeling approach is concerned with architecture-under-develop-
ment. It can be used at an early stage of the design process where the processor is
not available, or it is very expensive to prototype all possible processors archi-
tectures choices. Performance modeling may be classi
ed into analytical-Based
approach and Simulation-Based approach.
Analytical-Based Approach
The analytical modeling approach is based on probabilistic methods. Petri nets or
Markov models create mathematical models of the designed embedded systems. The
results of this approach are not often easy to construct. It allows predicting mainly
user performance, time execution of sub-functions rapidly without compilation or
execution. There has not been much study on the analytic approach for processors.
structures are so complex that few analytical models can be provided for
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