Information Technology Reference
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Wind input
Fuzzy if-then
r ule detection
Control signal
pitch angle
Fuzzy if-then
rule box
Fuzzy if-then rule
Fuzzy if-then
Fig. 6 Block diagram of controllers GFS controller diagram
values. The number of removed fuzzy if-then rules is usually the same as that of
added rules in classic genetic algorithm. Figure 6 shows block diagram of the
proposed controller.
According to block diagrams of GFS controller in Fig. 6 controller has two
inputs and one output. This controller provides a suitable pitch angle upon catch
wind speed.
6.5 Simulation Results of GFS Controller
Figure 7 a depicts the established generator torque for GFS controller. The output
mechanical power of GFS is shown in Fig. 7 b.
Figure 7 d shows the blade pitch angle control signal for GFS controller. In
below rated wind speed, optimal power is attained by regulating (optimal perfor-
mance coef
cient); thus, the pitch angle is kept at a mechanical minimum and rotor
speed is controlled in such a way that (optimal tip speed ratio) is always acquired,
akin to MPP tracking.
7 Rule Extraction
The idea of rule extraction from a neural network involves de
nite activity. For
example, parameters have read from a network, which is not permitted by a tra-
ditional connectionist structure that these neural networks are established on Gallant
( 1998 ). Gallant presented a routine for extracting propositional rules from a simple
network, in order to explain the inference process in the system at the end of 1980s
Gallant ( 1998 ). This could be surveyed as the origin of the examination on rule
extraction from neural networks. In addition some algorithms have been developed
to extract deterministic
finite-state automata (DFA) from recurrent neural networks
(Giles and Omlin 1993 ; Giles et al. 1992 ).
Rules from each unit in a neural network have been extracted by the decom-
position algorithms and these methods aggregate them. The pedagogical algorithms
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