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Fig. 5 Multiple homothetic stress directions in 3-D and boundary identi cation
intrinsic load increase directions, and the maximum loadability along each stress
direction is computed. From these the boundary limits, {P Lmin ,P Lmax }, in the total
system load space is found, as shown in the right-hand side of Fig. 5 . This limit in
the hyperspace is subject to variation due to the in
uence of discrete variables such
as SVC and generator unavailability states. The effect of these two variables is
estimated using VSM sensitivities with respect to real and reactive power injections
along every stress direction, and is given by the Eq. ( 2 ). Usage of such linear
sensitivities signi
cantly reduces the computational burden in characterizing a
multi-dimensional operational parameter state space.
P sv L ¼
Q svc
dVSMdQ svc
ð 2 Þ
P svc
is the change in boundary limit in a particular stress direction due to
uence of SVC unavailability, Q svc is the amount of unavailable SVC reactive
power at the collapse point, and dVSMdQ svc is the linear sensitivity of voltage
stability margin with respect to reactive power injection at the SVC node, which is
computed as a by-product of CPF study in that particular stress direction.
Finally, the boundary limits in the total system load space is identi
the in
ed, subject to
these discrete variable in
uences. The key in realizing the computational bene
boundary region identi
cation lies in the manner in which the multiple homothetic
stress directions are sampled from the historical data.
4.1.2 Sampling Homothetic Stress Directions Using Latin Hypercube
Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) is very prevalently used in Monte Carlo based
reliability studies in many
fields. LHS of multivariate distribution is performed by
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