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2 Related Work
Several application centric studies on Swarm Intelligent (SI) techniques have been
done. Main focus of this brief survey is to cover the kind of works related to
the application have been done rather than covering those works and draw application
related issues. Numerous studies have been done related to application and SI tech-
niques. Most of those studies were speci
c to a particular approach (Al Rashidi and
El-Hawary 2009 ; Borwein and Lewis 2010 ; Chandrasekhar and Naga 2011 ; Janacik
et al. 2013 ; Kameyama 2009 ; Kothari et al. 2012 ; Kulkarni and Venayagamoorthy
2011 ). Some studies are even more speci
c to single problem of one particular
application domain (Al Rashidi and El-Hawary 2009 ; Chandrasekhar and Naga 2011 ;
Kulkarni and Venayagamoorthy 2011 ). There are several applications in single
domain which have utilized SI techniques (Al Rashidi and El-Hawary 2009 ; Kulkarni
and Venayagamoorthy 2011 ).
Several surveys on various applications of SI techniques covering multiple
domain have been done (Chandra Mohan and Baskaran 2012 ; Monteiro et al.
2012 ). Such studies are often done by considering a single variant of any SI
technique such as multi-objective (Reyes-Sierra and Coello 2006 ), parallel versions
(Chu et al. 2003 ; Schutte et al. 2004 ; Vanneschi et al. 2012 ) and so on to different
application domains. With these studies one can have an intuitive idea about
problems of various domains which could absorb such approach. Problem speci
study, associated issues of the problem and study of solution to that problem which
covers numerous techniques including SI techniques have often done (Al Rashidi
and El-Hawary 2009 ; Kulkarni and Venayagamoorthy 2011 ). Such study gives an
overall idea of various techniques to solve that problem, but internal matters of
those techniques remain unclear, which is the source of confusion regarding which
one of the available techniques will be better for the problem.
Generalized studies that covers all application domains where intelligence tech-
niques are utilized, have not been done yet. Studies done earlier also not based on
applicability. No clear idea has been come out from previous studies about the way
which would be better for incorporating any intelligent techniques into an applica-
tion. Numerous studies about applications and swarm techniques (Al Rashidi and
El-Hawary 2009 ; Chandra Mohan and Baskaran 2012 ; Chandrasekhar and Naga
2011 ; Eslami et al. 2012 ; Kameyama 2009 ) have been done. But, study related to
usability of any intelligent technique in an application, like what points have to be
taken care of, which changes have to be done in application in order to
t the
technique in hand has not been done yet. At present, a single approach have several
variants and each variant has speci
c characteristics (Chandra Mohan and Baskaran
2012 ; Kameyama 2009 ; Monteiro et al. 2012 ). Suitable variants of any SI technique
for any particular application has not been done yet. Problems faced (Yang et al.
2007 ) during implementation of SI techniques into an application and solutions to
those problems are given. Whether those problems can be arise in other application
or if arises whether same solution can be suitable for that application, such issues
have not been surveyed yet. Off course, different variants of SI techniques proposed,
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