Information Technology Reference
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4. Linking related nodes is always possible. Different keysets can then de
ne, for
different entities, whether they traverse all of the links or not.
5. Re-joining trees needs to consider the base entity links more.
(a) Breaking off a branch from tree 1 to join to tree 2 at its base would be
If tree 2 has all of the entity links that tree 1 has, then the join can
be automatic.
If tree 2 has additional entity links, then a compound count can be
added, because it might still be unclear if the branches, new to
some entities, are false.
If the broken branch however is completely contained in the tree 2
path, then the join can be automatic.
(b) Re-joining tree 2, or part of tree 2 from its base, to a tree 1 branch is more
If tree 2 does not have any entity links to its base, then it can be
added to any other matching branch.
If tree 2 has a different set of entity links, then its base must be
accessible and so it cannot be removed.
If tree 1 and tree 2 have the same set of entity links, then a join
should be attempted. A check might be performed to determine if
the two trees are always accessed together. If that is the case, then
they can be joined over some common branch or node.
6. Unclear is when one branch has additional elements inside of it, so that the
branch it is being compared with, would need to be extended internally and not
at an edge. This is quite common with ontologies, for example. This might
favour breaking the larger branch at the two points where the new nodes exist,
creating 3 trees and linking between them. The
first tree uses only two of the
new trees while the other uses all 3.
7. A truth test might check if a join is preferable to a link, including branches not
ned as false, but possibly now out of character and can be moved.
8. So there could be a statistical, or even a reasoning process that decides what join
action to take and this could be different for different implementations.
6 Relation to Nature
This section gives some more comparisons with natural laws and is about trying to
justify the proposed construction mechanism, by showing that it will give the best
possible balance to a concept tree, with the minimum amount of additional intel-
ligence or knowledge required. It is reasonable to think that in the random or
chaotic world that we live in, there is no reason to always link from a larger
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