Database Reference
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On my four-CPU system, these CREATE TABLE statements executed with eight parallel execution servers and one
coordinator. I verified this by querying one of the dynamic performance views related to parallel execution,
V$PX_SESSION , while these statements were running:
EODA@ORA12CR1> select sid, serial#, qcsid, qcserial#, degree from v$px_session;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
375 1275 243 1697 8
18 3145 243 1697 8
135 3405 243 1697 8
244 3065 243 1697 8
376 177 243 1697 8
5 875 243 1697 8
134 2829 243 1697 8
249 467 243 1697 8
243 1697 243
9 rows selected.
in creating the UNIFORM_TEST and AUTOALLOCATE_TEST tables, we simply specified “parallel” on each table,
with oracle choosing the degree of parallelism. in this case, i was the sole user of the machine (all resources available)
and oracle defaulted it to 8 based on the number of Cpus (four) and the PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU parameter setting,
which defaults to 2.
The SID,SERIAL# are the identifiers of the parallel execution sessions, and the QCSID,QCSERIAL# is the identifier
of the query coordinator of the parallel execution. So, with eight parallel execution sessions running, we would like to
see how the space was used. A quick query against USER_SEGMENTS gives us a good idea:
EODA@ORA12CR1> select segment_name, blocks, extents
2 from user_segments
3 where segment_name in ( 'UNIFORM_TEST', 'AUTOALLOCATE_TEST' );
-------------------- ---------- ----------
UNIFORM_TEST 166400 13
Since we were using an 8KB blocksize, this shows a difference of about 100MB; looking at it from a ratio
perspective, AUTOALLOCATE_TEST is about 92 percent the size of UNIFORM_TEST as far as allocated space goes.
The actual used space results are as follows:
EODA@ORA12CR1> exec show_space('UNIFORM_TEST' );
Unformatted Blocks ..................... 0
FS1 Blocks (0-25) ...................... 0
FS2 Blocks (25-50) ..................... 0
FS3 Blocks (50-75) ..................... 0
FS4 Blocks (75-100)..................... 12,782
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