Database Reference
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6 'day' )
7 days_hours
8 from (select to_date('29-feb-2000 01:02:03','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt1,
9 to_date('15-mar-2001 11:22:33','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt2
10 from dual )
11 /
--------------- ------------------------------
+000000001-00 +000000015 10:20:30.000000000
Now it is clear that there is 1 year, 15 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes, and 30 seconds between the two DATE s.
The TIMESTAMP type is very much like the DATE , with the addition of support for fractional seconds and time zones.
We'll look at the TIMESTAMP type in the following three sections: one with regard to just the fractional second
support but no time zone support, and the other two with regard to the two methods of storing the TIMESTAMP with
time zone support.
The syntax of the basic TIMESTAMP datatype is straightforward
where N is optional; it is used to specify the scale of the seconds component in the timestamp and may take on
values between 0 and 9. If you specify 0, then a TIMESTAMP is functionally equivalent to a DATE and, in fact, stores the
same values in the same manner:
EODA@ORA12CR1> create table t
2 ( dt date,
3 ts timestamp(0)
4 )
5 /
Table created.
EODA@ORA12CR1> insert into t values ( sysdate, systimestamp );
1 row created.
EODA@ORA12CR1> select dump(dt,10) dump, dump(ts,10) dump from t;
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Typ=12 Len=7: 120,110,4,12,20,4,8 Typ=180 Len=7: 120,110,4,12,20,4,8
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