Database Reference
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29 return varchar2
30 as
31 l_buffer varchar2(4000);
32 l_buffer_len number;
33 begin
Now, the first thing our code does is a sanity check on the P_FROM and P_FOR inputs. P_FROM must be a number
greater than or equal to 1, and P_FOR must be between 1 and 4,000—just like the built-in function SUBSTR :
34 if ( nvl(p_from,0) <= 0 )
35 then
36 raise_application_error
37 (-20002, 'From must be >=1 (positive numbers)' );
38 end if;
39 if ( nvl(p_for,0) not between 1 and 4000 )
40 then
41 raise_application_error
42 (-20003, 'For must be between 1 and 4000' );
43 end if;
Next, we'll check to see if we are getting a new query that needs to be parsed. If the last query we parsed is the
same as the current query, we can skip this step. It is very important to note that on line 47 we are verifying that the
P_QUERY passed to us is just a SELECT —we will use this package only to execute SQL SELECT statements. This check
validates that for us:
45 if ( p_query <> g_query or g_query is NULL )
46 then
47 if ( upper(trim(nvl(p_query,'x'))) not like 'SELECT%')
48 then
49 raise_application_error
50 (-20001, 'This must be a select only' );
51 end if;
52 dbms_sql.parse( g_cursor, p_query, dbms_sql.native );
53 g_query := p_query;
54 end if;
We are ready to bind the inputs to this query. Any non- NULL names that were passed to us will be bound to the
query, so when we execute it, it finds the right row:
55 bind_variable( p_name1, p_bind1 );
56 bind_variable( p_name2, p_bind2 );
57 bind_variable( p_name3, p_bind3 );
58 bind_variable( p_name4, p_bind4 );
And now we can execute the query and fetch the row. Using DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE_LONG , we extract the
necessary substring of the LONG and return it:
60 dbms_sql.define_column_long(g_cursor, 1);
61 if (dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(g_cursor)>0)
62 then
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