Database Reference
In-Depth Information
NVARCHAR2 : A variable length character string that contains UNICODE formatted data. An
NVARCHAR2(10) may contain between 0 and 10 characters of information. An NVARCHAR2
may store up to 4,000 bytes of information. Starting with Oracle 12 c , an NVARCHAR2 can be
configured to store up to 32,767 bytes of information (see the “Extended Datatypes” section in
this chapter for further details).
RAW : A variable length binary datatype, meaning that no character set conversion will take
place on data stored in this datatype. It is considered a string of binary bytes of information
that will simply be stored by the database. A RAW may store up to 2,000 bytes of information.
Starting with Oracle 12 c , a RAW can be configured to store up to 32,767 bytes of information
(see the “Extended Datatypes” section in this chapter for further details).
NUMBER : This datatype is capable of storing numbers with up to 38 digits of precision. These
numbers may vary between 1.0x10(-130) and up to but not including 1.0x10(126). Each
number is stored in a variable length field that varies between 0 bytes (for NULL ) and 22 bytes.
Oracle NUMBER types are very precise—much more so than normal FLOAT and DOUBLE types
found in many programming languages.
BINARY_FLOAT : This is a type available only in Oracle 10 g Release 1 and above. This is a 32-bit
single-precision floating-point number. It can support at least 6 digits of precision and will
consume 5 bytes of storage on disk.
BINARY_DOUBLE : This is a type available only in Oracle 10 g Release 1 and above. This is a 64-bit
double-precision floating-point number. It can support at least 15 digits of precision and will
consume 9 bytes of storage on disk.
LONG : This type is capable of storing up to 2GB of character data (2 gigabytes, not characters,
as each character may take multiple bytes in a multibyte character set). LONG types have many
restrictions (I'll discuss later) that are provided for backward compatibility, so it is strongly
recommended you do not use this type in new applications. When possible, convert from
LONG to CLOB types in existing applications.
LONG RAW : The LONG RAW type is capable of storing up to 2GB of binary information. For the
same reasons as noted for LONG s, it is recommended you use the BLOB type in all future
development and, when possible, in existing applications as well.
DATE : This is a fixed-width 7-byte date/time datatype. It will always contain the seven
attributes of the century, the year within the century, the month, the day of the month, the
hour, the minute, and the second.
TIMESTAMP : This is a fixed-width 7- or 11-byte date/time datatype (depending on the precision).
It differs from the DATE datatype in that it may contain fractional seconds; up to 9 digits to the
right of the decimal point may be preserved for TIMESTAMP s with fractional seconds.
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE : This is a fixed-width 13-byte date/time datatype, but it also
provides for TIME ZONE support. Additional information regarding the time zone is stored with
the TIMESTAMP in the data, so the TIME ZONE originally inserted is preserved with the data.
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE : This is a fixed-width 7- or 11-byte date/time datatype
(depending on the precision), similar to the TIMESTAMP ; however, it is time zone sensitive.
Upon modification in the database, the TIME ZONE supplied with the data is consulted, and the
date/time component is normalized to the local database time zone. So, if you were to insert
a date/time using the time zone U.S./Pacific and the database time zone was U.S./Eastern,
the final date/time information would be converted to the Eastern time zone and stored as a
TIMESTAMP . Upon retrieval, the TIMESTAMP stored in the database would be converted to the
time in the session's time zone.
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