Database Reference
In-Depth Information
SGA Memory Management
The SGA memory-related parameters are classified into one of two areas:
Auto-tuned SGA parameters : Currently these are DB_CACHE_SIZE , SHARED_POOL_SIZE ,
Manual SGA parameters : These include LOG_BUFFER , DB_NK_CACHE_SIZE , DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE ,
At any time in Oracle 10 g and above, you may query V$SGAINFO to see which components of the SGA
are resizable:
EODA@ORA12CR1> select * from V$SGAINFO;
-------------------------------- ---------- --- ----------
Fixed SGA Size 2287336 No 0
Redo Buffers 4890624 No 0
Buffer Cache Size 67108864 Yes 0
Shared Pool Size 184549376 Yes 0
Large Pool Size 4194304 Yes 0
Java Pool Size 4194304 Yes 0
Streams Pool Size 0 Yes 0
Shared IO Pool Size 4194304 Yes 0
Data Transfer Cache Size 0 Yes 0
Granule Size 4194304 No 0
Maximum SGA Size 267227136 No 0
Startup overhead in Shared Pool 169940696 No 0
Free SGA Memory Available 0 0
13 rows selected.
For the SGA memory components that can be auto-tuned, there are three ways to manage these:
Manual shared memory management : Setting all of the necessary pool and cache parameters.
Starting in Oracle 10g and above, automatic shared (or SGA) memory management : Setting the
SGA_TARGET parameter. By setting the SGA_TARGET parameter, you are allowing the instance to
size and resize various SGA components.
Starting in Oracle 11g and above, automatic memory management : Setting the MEMORY_TARGET
parameter. By setting the MEMORY_TARGET parameter, you are allowing the instance to size and
resize the SGA and PGA memory areas.
We will discuss each in turn.
Manual Shared Memory Management
If you require some degree of control over the auto-tunable areas of the SGA memory, then set MEMORY_TARGET and
SGA_TARGET to zero. When MEMORY_TARGET is set to zero, this disables automatic memory management; when SGA_
TARGET is set to zero, this disables automatic shared memory management.
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