Database Reference
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select 'total: ' ||, sum(b.value)
from v$statname a, v$sesstat b, v$session c
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and ( like '%ga %'
or like '%direct temp%')
and b.sid = c.sid
and c.username is not null
group by 'total: ' ||
l_first_time := false;
end if;
end loop;
This script sorts the big table T using PGA automatic memory management. Then, for that session, it captures all
of the PGA/UGA memory settings as well as sort-to-disk activity. In addition, the UNION ALL adds system-level metrics
about the same (total PGA memory, total UGA memory and so on). I ran that script against a database started with the
following initialization settings:
These settings show I was using automatic PGA memory management with a PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET of 256MB,
meaning I wanted Oracle to use up to about 256MB of PGA memory for sorting.
I set up another script to be run in other sessions to generate a large sorting load on the machine. This script
loops and uses a built-in package, DBMS_ALERT , to see if it should continue processing. If it should, it runs the same big
query, sorting the entire T table. When the simulation finished, a session could signal all of the sorting processes, the
load generators, to “stop” and exit. Here's the script (stored in a file named gen_load.sql ) used to perform the sort:
l_msg long;
l_status number;
dbms_alert.register( 'WAITING' );
for i in 1 .. 999999 loop
dbms_application_info.set_client_info( i );
dbms_alert.waitone( 'WAITING', l_msg, l_status, 0 );
exit when l_status = 0;
for x in ( select * from t order by 1, 2, 3, 4 )
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