Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 3.6 Probability density function f ( x ) of a Poisson distribution with dif erent values for ʻ:
a ʻ=0.5, and b ʻ=2.
Poisson Distribution
When the number of trials is N →∞ and the success probability is p →0,
the binomial distribution approaches a Poisson distribution with a single
parameter ʻ= Np (Fig. 3.6) (Poisson 1837). h is works well for N >100 and
p <0.05 (or 5%). We therefore use the Poisson distribution for processes
characterized by extremely low occurrence, e.g., earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, storms and l oods. h e probability density function is
and the cumulative distribution function is
h e single parameter ʻ describes both the mean and the variance of this
Normal or Gaussian Distribution
When p =0.5 (symmetric, no skew) and N →∞, the binomial distribution
approaches a normal or Gaussian distribution dei ned by the mean ʼ and
standard deviation ˃ (Fig. 3.7). h e probability density function of a normal
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