Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
data2 =
0.3657 0.0636
0.2208 0.1135
0.5353 0.5191
0.5009 0.5216
0.5415 NaN
0.5010 NaN
We now concatenate the two cells into one double-precision array data . First,
we have to change the class of C{1} into double or the class of the entire array
data will be uint32 . Typing
data(:,1) = double(C{1})
data(:,2:3) = C{2}
101.0000 0.3657 0.0636
102.0000 0.2208 0.1135
103.0000 0.5353 0.5191
104.0000 0.5009 0.5216
105.0000 0.5415 NaN
106.0000 0.5010 NaN
h e format of the data is as expected.
h e next examples demonstrate how to read the i le geophys.txt , which
contains a single header line but also the date (in an MM/DD/YY format)
and time (in an HH:MM:SS.SS format). We again use textscan to read the
i le,
fid = fopen('geophys.txt');
data = textscan(fid,'%u %f %f %f %s %s','Headerlines',1);
where we skip the header, read the i rst column (the sample ID) as a 32-bit
unsigned integer ( uint32 ) with specii er %u , the next three columns X , Y , and
Z as 64-bit double-precision l oating-point numbers ( double ) with specii er
%f , and then the date and time as character strings with specii er %s . We then
convert the date and time to serial numbers, where a serial date number of 1
corresponds to Jan-1-0000 . h e year 0000 is merely a reference point and is
not intended to be interpreted as a real year.
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