Geoscience Reference
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data = load('sherwoodsandstone.txt');
h e i ve columns of the array data contain the numerical values of the
petrophysical parameters permeability (in m/s), porosity (without physical
unit), matrix conductivity (in S/m), true formation factor (without physical
unit), and induced polarization (in %). We also load the sample IDs (from
Olorunfemi 1985) from the i le sherwoodsandstone_samples.txt using
textscan :
fid = fopen('sherwoodsandstone_samples.txt');
samples = textscan(fid,'%s','Headerlines',8);
h e sherwoodsandstone_samples.txt i le contains 40 sample IDs, each with
i ve characters including spaces that are used to make the length of the
sample IDs identical so that they i t into the cell array samples . h is cell
array contains only one cell, samples{1} , which in turn contains a 40-by-5
character array of the sample IDs. We next create another character array
that contains the variable names: Perm for permeability, Poro for porosity, MaCo
for matrix conductivity, TrFF for true formation factor, and InPo for induced
variables = ['Perm';
We then display the variables in a plot that includes a legend and has the
data points labeled with the sample IDs. We use random colors for the data
points, with the random number generator i rst set to a seed value of 0. Since
the values of the variables are very small we plot the logarithm of the values
instead of the true values.
for i = 1:size(data,2)
rcolor = rand(1,3);
We then calculate the coei cients beta of the multiple linear regression
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