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burial depth, and temperature. In practice, the plausibility of the assumption
of linearity must i rst be examined. If this assumption is probably true then
there are several methods of multiple linear regression available, some of
which are included in the Statistics Toolbox (Mathworks 2014b).
As a i rst example we create a noise-free synthetic data set with three
variables Var1 , Var2 and Var3 . We wish to i nd the inl uence of variables
Var1 and Var2 on variable Var3 . h e variables Var1 and Var2 are therefore the
predictor variables and the variable Var3 is the response variable. h e linear
relationship between the response variable and the predictor variables is
Var3=0.2-52.0*Var1+276.0*Var2 . h e three variables Var1 , Var2 and Var3 are
stored as columns 1, 2 and 3 in a single array data .
data(:,1) = 0.3 + 0.03*randn(50,1);
data(:,2) = 0.2 + 0.01*randn(50,1);
data(:,3) = 0.2 ...
- 52.0*data(:,1) ...
+ 276.0*data(:,2);
We create labels for the names of the samples and the names of the variables,
as we did in Section 9.2.
for i = 1 : size(data,1)
samples(i,:) = [sprintf('%02.0f',i)];
variables = ['Var1';
h en we calculate the coei cients beta of the multiple linear regression
model using fitlm .
beta = fitlm(data(:,1:2),data(:,3),...
h e function fitlm uses a least mean-squares criterion to calculate beta . h e
method calculates an F -statistic to test the null hypothesis that all regression
coei cients are zero and there is no relationship between the response and
predictor variables. h e output of the function fitlm
beta =
Linear regression model:
Var3 ~ 1 + Var1 + Var2
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