Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 9.7 Cluster analysis output. h e dendrogram shows clear groups consisting of samples 1,
2, 8, 9 and 10 (the magmatic source rocks), samples 3, 4 and 5 (the magmatic dyke containing
ore minerals), and samples 6 and 7 (the sandstone unit).
ans =
h e result is convincing since the closer this coei cient is to one, the better
the cluster solution.
9.6 Multiple Linear Regression
In Chapter 4 linear regression models were introduced as a way of describing
the relationship between a dependent variable y and an independent variable
x . h e dependent variable is also known as the response variable , and the
independent variable as the predictor variable . A multiple linear regression
model describes the relationship between a dependent (or response) variable
y , and n independent (or predictor) variables x i
where b i are the n +1 regression coei cients of the linear model. h e linearity
in the term multiple linear regression refers to the fact that the response
variable is a linear function of the predictor variables. h e regression
coei cients are estimated by minimizing the mean-squared dif erence
between the predicted and true values of the response variable y . As an
example that is commonly used in the earth sciences is the quality of crude
oil, which is assumed to be linearly dependent on the age of the sediment, the
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