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between the minerals revealed in the pairwise bivariate scatter plots, again
showing a strong negative correlation between the i rst and second mineral
( r =-0.8184), a weak positive correlation between minerals 1 and 3 ( r =0.3483),
and a moderate negative correlation between minerals 2 and 3 ( r =-0.5557).
h ese observed dependencies would lead us to expect interesting results
from the application of a PCA.
Various methods exist for scaling the original data before applying a PCA,
such as mean centering (using a mean equal to zero) or standardizing (using a
mean equal to zero and a standard deviation equal to one). We will, however
use the original data for computing the PCA. h e output of the function
pca includes the principal component loads pcs , the scores newx , and the
variances variances . h e loads pcs are weights (or weighting factors) that
indicate the extent to which the old variables (the minerals) contribute to the
new variables (the principal components, or PCs). h e principal component
scores are the coordinates of the thirty samples in the new coordinate system
dei ned by the three principal components, PC 1 to PC 3 (stored in the three
columns of pcs ), which we interpret as the three source rocks.
[pcs,newx,variances] = pca(x);
h e loads of the three principal components PC 1 to PC 3 can be shown by
ans =
0.6342 -0.5085 0.5825
-0.6215 0.1130 0.7753
0.4600 0.8536 0.2444
We observe that PC 1 (i rst column) has high positive loads in variables 1
and 3 (i rst and third rows), and a high negative load in variable 2 (second
row). PC 2 (second column) has a high negative load in variable 1 and a high
positive load in variable 3, while the load in variable 2 is close to zero. PC 3
(third column) has high loads in variables 1 and 2, with the load in variable 3
being relatively low but also positive. We create a number of plots to visualize
the PCs:
plot(1:3,pcs(:,1),'o'), axis([0.5 3.5 -1 1])
text((1:3)+0.2,pcs(:,1),minerals,'FontSize',14), hold
plot(0.5:3.5,zeros(4,1),'r'), title('PC 1')
plot(1:3,pcs(:,2),'o'), axis([0.5 3.5 -1 1])
text((1:3)+0.2,pcs(:,2),minerals,'FontSize',14), hold
plot(0.5:3.5,zeros(4,1),'r'), title('PC 2')
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