Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.13 Automated detection of pollen grains (mostly Asteraceae and less abundant
Caesalpiniaceae and Lamiaceae pollen) in a microscope image of Argentine honey, using
imfindcircles (original image courtesy K Schittek and F Flores); a original RGB image, b
pollen grains detected using the Hough transform.
quality image and carefully adjusting the parameters used with the Hough
transform will yield better results. Plotting the histogram of the pollen radii
using histogram
reveals that most of the grains have a radius of around 15 pixels.
Recommended Reading
Abrams M, Hook S (2002) ASTER User Handbook - Version 2. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
and EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls
Ballard DH (1981) Generalizing the Houghtransform to detectarbitraryshapes. Pattern
Recognition 13:111-122
Barry P (2001) EO-1/Hyperion Science Data User's Guide. TRW Space, Defense & Information
Systems, Redondo Beach, CA
Beck R (2003) EO-1 User Guide. USGS Earth Resources Observation Systems Data Center
(EDC), Sioux Falls, SD
Campbell JB (2002) Introduction to Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis, London
Davies ER (2005) Machine Vision: h eory, Algorithms, Practicalities -3rd Edition. Morgan
Kauf man Publishers, Burlington MA
Duda RO, Hart PE (1972) Use of the Hough transform to Detect Lines and Curves in Pictures.
Communications of the ACM 15:11-15
Francus P (2005) Image Analysis, Sediments and Paleoenvironments - Developments in
Paleoenvironmental Research. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
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