Geoscience Reference
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I2 = rgb2gray(I1);
imshow(I2,'XData',[0 ix],'YData',[0 iy]), axis on
xlabel('Centimeters'), ylabel('Centimeters')
Since the image contrast is relatively low, we use the function imadjust to
adjust the image intensity values. h e function imadjust maps the values
in the intensity image I1 to new values in I2 , such that 1% of the data is
saturated at low and high intensities of I2 . h is increases the contrast in the
new image I2 .
I3 = imadjust(I2);
imshow(I3,'XData',[0 ix],'YData',[0 iy]), axis on
xlabel('Centimeters'), ylabel('Centimeters')
title('Better Contrast')
We next determine the background of the lithic grains, which basically
means the texture of the black foil on which the grains are located. h e
function imopen(im,se) determines objects in an image im below a certain
pixel size and a l at structuring element se , such as a disk with a radius of 5
pixels generated by the function strel . h e variable I4 is the background-
free image resulting from this operation.
I4 = imopen(I3,strel('disk',5));
imshow(I4,'XData',[0 ix],'YData',[0 iy]), axis on
xlabel('Centimeters'), ylabel('Centimeters')
title('W/O Background')
We subtract the background-free image I4 from the original grayscale image
I3 to observe the background I5 that has been eliminated.
I5 = imsubtract(I3,I4);
imshow(I5,'XData',[0 ix],'YData',[0 iy]), axis on
xlabel('Centimeters'), ylabel('Centimeters')
h e function im2bw converts the I4 image to a binary image ( I6 ) by
thresholding. If the threshold is 1.0 the image is all black, corresponding to
a pixel value of 0. If the threshold is 0.0 the image is all white, corresponding
to a pixel value of 1. We manually change the threshold value until we get a
reasonable result. In our example a threshold of 0.03 gives good results for
identifying charcoal fragments.
I6 = im2bw(I4,0.03);
imshow(I6,'XData',[0 ix],'YData',[0 iy]), axis on
xlabel('Centimeters'), ylabel('Centimeters')
title('Only Charcoal')
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