Geoscience Reference
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dy = (basepoints(2,2)+basepoints(4,2))/2- ...
which yields
dx =
dy =
We therefore choose
inputpoints(1,:) = [0 0];
inputpoints(2,:) = [0 dy];
inputpoints(3,:) = [dx 0];
inputpoints(4,:) = [dx dy];
h e function fitgeotrans now takes the pairs of control points, inputpoints
and basepoints , and uses them to infer a spatial transformation matrix tform
using the transformation type projective .
tform = fitgeotrans(inputpoints,basepoints,'projective');
We next need to estimate the spatial limits for the output, XBounds and
YBounds , corresponding to the projective transformation tform , and a set of
spatial limits for the input xLimitsIn and yLimitsIn .
xLimitsIn = 0.5 + [0 size(I1,2)]
yLimitsIn = 0.5 + [0 size(I1,1)]
[XBounds,YBounds] = outputLimits(tform,xLimitsIn,yLimitsIn)
h en we use imref2d to reference the image to world coordinates.
Rout = imref2d(size(I1),XBounds,YBounds)
An imref2d object Rout encapsulates the relationship between the intrinsic
coordinates anchored to the rows and columns of the image and the spatial
location of the same row and column locations in a world coordinate system.
Finally, the projective transformation can be applied to the original RGB
composite I1 in order to obtain a rectii ed version of the image ( I10 ).
I10 = imwarp(I1,tform,'OutputView',Rout);
We now compare the original image I1 with the rectii ed version I10 .
subplot(2,1,1), imshow(I1), title('Original Image')
subplot(2,1,2), imshow(I10), title('Rectified Image')
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