Geoscience Reference
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K =
0 0 1
1 1 0
h e array L(i,j) is zero if A(i,j) is not in B , and one if A(i,j) is in B . We can
also locate elements within A for which a statement is true. For example we
can locate elements with values less than zero and replace them with NaN s by
L = A;
L(find(L<0)) = NaN
or, more briel y
L(L<0) = NaN
which yields
L =
2 4 3
9 3 NaN
h is is very useful when working with digital elevation models, where values
below sea level are not relevant. Alternatively, we can replace data voids other
than NaN s such as -32768 , which are ot en used with digital terrain models
(Section 7.3 to 7.5). We can then determine which elements of an array are
NaN s by typing
M = isnan(L)
which yields
M =
0 0 0
0 0 1
where NaN s are indicated by ones and non- NaN values are indicated by zeros.
Which of the elements in array A are unique can be determined by typing
N = unique(A)
which yields
N =
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