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Yg = reshape(Xg2,[],1);
We then allocate memory for the kriging estimates Zg and the kriging
variance s2_k by:
Zg = Xg * NaN;
s2_k = Xg * NaN;
We now krige the unknown values at each grid point:
for k = 1 : length(Xg)
DOR = ((x - Xg(k)).^2 + (y - Yg(k)).^2).^0.5;
G_R = (nugget + sill*(1 - exp(-3*DOR/range))).*(DOR>0);
G_R(n+1) = 1;
E = G_inv * G_R;
Zg(k) = sum(E(1:n,1).*z);
s2_k(k) = sum(E(1:n,1).*G_R(1:n,1))+E(n+1,1);
h e i rst command computes the distance between the grid points (Xg,Yg)
and the observation points (x,y) . We then create the right-hand-side
vector of the kriging system using the variogram model G_R and adding
one to the last row. We next obtain the matrix E with the weights and the
Lagrange multiplier. h e estimate Zg at each point k is the weighted sum
of the observations z . Finally, the kriging variance s2_k of the grid point is
computed and we can plot the results. We i rst create a grid of the kriging
estimate and the kriging variance:
r = length(R);
Z = reshape(Zg,r,r);
SK = reshape(s2_k,r,r);
A subplot on the let presents the kriged values:
h = pcolor(Xg1,Xg2,Z);
axis equal
ylim([0 200])
title('Kriging Estimate')
h e let hand subplot presents the kriging variance:
h = pcolor(Xg1,Xg2,SK);
axis equal
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