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where s e is the standard error of the mean nearest-neighbor distance, which
is dei ned as
h e null hypothesis randomness is tested against two alternative hypotheses,
clustering and uniformity or regularity . h e Z statistic has critical values of
1.96 and -1.96 at a signii cance level of 95%. If -1.96< Z <+1.96, we cannot
reject the null hypothesis that the data are randomly distributed. If Z <-1.96,
we reject the null hypothesis and accept the i rst alternative hypothesis of
clustering. If Z >+1.96, we also reject the null hypothesis, but accept the
second alternative hypothesis of uniformity or regularity.
As an example we again use the synthetic data analyzed in the previous
data = 10 * rand(100,2);
We i rst compute the pairwise Euclidian distance between all pairs of
observations using the function pdist (Section 9.5). h e resulting distance
matrix distances is then converted into a symmetric, square format, so that
distmatrix(i,j) denotes the distance between i and j objects in the original
distances = pdist(data,'Euclidean');
distmatrix = squareform(distances);
h e following for loop i nds the nearest neighbors, stores the nearest-
neighbor distances and computes the mean distance.
for i = 1 : 100
distmatrix(i,i) = NaN;
k = find(distmatrix(i,:) == min(distmatrix(i,:)));
nearest(i) = distmatrix(i,k(1));
observednearest = mean(nearest)
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