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text(data(:,1)+1,data(:,2),labels), hold off
According to the MATLAB documentation, h e MathWorks, Inc. has now
decided to move the linear ( linear ), the natural ( natural ) and the nearest
neighbor ( nearest ) techniques to the new function scatteredInterpolant , while
the biharmonic ( v4 ) and cubic spline ( cubic ) options remain in the griddata
function. In fact the code of griddata invokes the new scatteredInterpolant
function instead of the original codes of linear , natural , or nearest . h e new
function works in a very similar manner to griddata , as we can easily explore
by typing
FLIN = scatteredInterpolant(data(:,1),data(:,2),data(:,3),...
FNEA = scatteredInterpolant(data(:,1),data(:,2),data(:,3),...
FNAT = scatteredInterpolant(data(:,1),data(:,2),data(:,3),...
ZI(:,:,6) = FLIN(XI,YI);
ZI(:,:,7) = FNEA(XI,YI);
ZI(:,:,8) = FNAT(XI,YI);
titles(6:8,:) = ['scatlin';'scatnea';'scatnat'];
for i = 6:8
figure('Position',[350 (i-5)*100-50 500 300])
contourf(XI,YI,ZI(:,:,i),v), colorbar, hold on
text(data(:,1)+1,data(:,2),labels), hold off
Another very useful MATLAB gridding method is splines with tension
by Wessel and Bercovici (1998), available for download from the author's
h e tsplines use biharmonic splines in tension t , where the parameter t
can vary between 0 and 1. A value of t =0 corresponds to a standard cubic
spline interpolation. Increasing t reduces undesirable oscillations between
data points, e.g., the paired lows and highs observed in one of the previous
examples. h e limiting situation t →1 corresponds to linear interpolation.
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